The Eternal Return
File size: 10.5mb
Rating: 5 stars
This game is a 3rd person "journey" into the collective psyche
This represents somthing of a return to form..
It's all the colors of the brainbow and more. Savour it well, humble traveler.
Strongly recomend checking this out!
Also if you like this, give me cashola:
Released 15th of Febuary 2024
Click HERE to download.

Domestic dreams and robots
File size: 55.9mb
Rating: 4.5 stars
Now finally, here we have at long last, Revenge of the Sunfish 2, haha Just kidding!
No, What we have here, is a compilation of
minigames that I put together for an art show back in 2016.
It does however contain "a handfull of levels from ROTSF2",
but it's basically it's own thing, and it's not even the demo of Sunfish 2
shown at Rezzed Festival. Consider this the equivilant to tapas to a full degustation of weirdness.
Strongly recomend checking this out!
Also if you like this, you can support my work through paypal:
Released 29th of October 2022
Click HERE to download.

Kitten Combat
File size: 1.92mb
Rating: 2 stars
This is a Quick demo release for Easter.
It's a 2 player party game, featuring arena fighting cats.
can be played using either the
keyboard or keyboard + a joystick.
Released 24th of March 2016
Click HERE to download.

Cynical software volume one
File size: 15.1mb
Rating: 3 stars
This is a pc software package that contains 10 games,
which were originally designed for mobile devices.
Check the readme.txt, for more details.
Released 28th of september 2015
Click HERE to download.

Rap Cat
File size: 8.60mb
Rating: 2.5 stars
A psychedelic sound program. Sort of a mix between my other two games “Funky Adam”
and Colorscope. Available for PC and Android.
Released 12th of July 2015
HERE is a link to the android version.
Click HERE to download the pc version.

Sky Lance
File size: 3.17mb
Rating: 2 stars
A super hard shoot-em-up where you collect coins to purchase weapon upgrades and
battle giant brains in space!!
Released 20th of March 2015
HERE is a link to the android version.
Click HERE to download the pc version.

File size: 12.6mb
Rating: 3 stars
The aim of Crunge is to burst creatures/objects which break into increasingly
smaller pieces when hit. You fire lines which stay in place for a few seconds.
It has a cool end boss and over 40 levels.
Released 12th of Febuary 2015
HERE is a link to the android version.
Click HERE to download the pc version.

Grub banger
File size: 10.2mb
Rating: 1 star
A short arcade game
where you control a caterpillar,
Uses the mouse for controls.
Released 7th of November 2014
Click HERE to download.

Mini Grub
File size: 2.54mb
Rating: 3.9 stars
This is a Spin off game from an unreleased game of mine, called grub banger.
It’s an arcade type game where you eat food and collect magic potions.
The potions make it interesting. It contains 10 different potions including a friendship ray!
Mini Grub is available for home computer and android phones.
Released 3rd July 2014
Click HERE to download the pc version!
HERE is a link to the android version.

Kitten Punch
File size:6.2mb
Rating: 2 stars
In this game you must help the kitty realise it's dream, by punching it's way to glory.
This game is for android phones.
Disclaimer: Don’t take this game too seriously, it’s only intended as a bit of fun.
Released 6th of june 2014
Click HERE to download it from the google play store!

Monkey Egg
File size:4mb
Rating: 3 stars
Monkey egg is an addictive jumping game for android phones. You have to climb randomly generated trees, without falling. If you can climb 100 meters a surprise awaits ;)
also it's free to download.
Released 4th of may 2014
Click HERE to download it from the google play store!
Also HERES a link to some gameplay footage.

File size: 1.35mb
Rating: NA
This is more of a toy than a game, but it's fun to interact with. It's like a kaleidoscope emulator.
click and move the mouse to create crazy patterns and sound effects.
Can be used for live performance or for making music video clips.
Released 29 april 2014
Click HERE to download!

Advanced Midget Simulator
File size: 4.54mb
Rating: 3.8/5
Advanced midget simulator is a cross between arcade action and strategy.
Use the mouse to grab falling midgets and place them out of harms way.
Fend off aliens by pressing right mouse button to activate your machine gun.
With music by Uk Rock band,
Released in August 2013.
Click HERE to download!

Danger sprout
File size: 4.45mb
Rating: 4/5
Danger sprout is a Platform shoot em up, with vector graphics.
Controls consist of the arrow keys, spacebar and alt.
Released in 2013.
Click HERE to download!

Revenge of the Sunfish
File size: 19.6mb
Rating: 4/5
This is Probably my most well known game. Each level is different. Controls consist of the arrow keys, spacebar and enter. On one stage you have to use the mouse.
For a more detailed description of this game visit the SUNFISH page.
Click HERE to download!

Paster Master
File size: 6.53mb
Rating: 4/5
Pasta Master is an arcade area shooter.
The controls consist of the arrow keys and the mouse.
The game can be played with just the mouse but it’s designed
To utilise both mouse and keyboard.
The game also contains a hidden sub-game.
The game was voted 6th best shooter in a Californian indie game compo. released in 2008.
Click HERE to download!

Space Rot
File size: 1.26mb
Rating: 3/5
This is a rather basic shoot em up with psychedelic effects and low-resolution graphics. Use the arrow keys to move and space bar to fire. Collect the orange power ups for a different weapon.
It was released in 2009.
Click HERE to download!

Seismic Death
File size: 1.99mb
Rating: 3/5
This is an arcade shoot em up where you have to destroy enemies and dig through dirt.
Use the arrow keys to move and space bar to shoot.
Collect powerups to gain different weapons with a limited ammunition.
It was released in 2007.
Click HERE to download!

Adventures from the crocodile guy
File size: 2.76mb
Rating: 2/5
This game is based on the late Steve Irwin.
It has two distinct levels. On the first level you score points, feeding crocodiles human babies. Holding spacebar increases the power of your throw. On level two you must fend off sharks long enough to find a stingray to give a hug.
It was released in 2007.
Click HERE to download!

Chef le puke
File size: 8.90mb
Rating: 1/5
This is a weird game where you control a guy in a wheelchair with a chainsaw that shoots lasers.
Beware the game contains grating sound effects and flashing strobe lights.
It was released in 2007.
Click HERE to download!

Devil bout
File size: 664kb
Rating: 2/5
This is a small game where you play tennis with swords and a bomb for the ball.
If the Bomb bounces twice on your opponents side then it explodes and you score a point.
The game has a computer Ai and is also playable for 2 people against each other through the same keyboard.
player one uses the arrow keys and spacebar, player two uses "a" to swing their bat and "s" "e"
"d" "f" to move.
It was released in 2007.
Click HERE to download!

Cripple Apocalypse
File size: 2.22mb
Rating: 3/5
In this game you drive down a never-ending highway against oncoming traffic and cripples. Use the arrow keys to move. Space bar fires a weapon, "h" key honks your horn. Pressing "t" activates your cars tractor beam (which overheats)
"S" key blows up your vehicle, front on collisions will also destroy your vehicle, ending the game and your life (in the game).
Released in 2010.
Click HERE to download!

The demonic faces
File size: 1.61mb
Rating: 2/5
This is a puzzle game played with the mouse.
You complete stages by exploding all the other faces. Moving over a face causes both the player and the face to grow. When a face reaches a certain size it will explode. Being close to the explosion causes the player to shrink, faces in the nearby proximity will also grow and may subsequently explode. If the player gets too small or too large they die. The strategy involves maintaining a constant size which is achieved by moving around.
the ingame music is from a Amiga game called Apidya.
Released in 2007.
Click HERE to download!

Mighty Champions
File size: 831kb
Rating: 1/5
This is short and rather silly game where you have to shoot an apple of a guys head.
you play as an archer, a ninja and a viking.
Space bar shoots.
released in 2007.
Click HERE to download!

Cosmic fallout
File size: 3.44mb
Rating: 2/5
This is a scrolling shoot em up much simmilar to the arcade game scramble.
Use the arrow keys to move, "m" key shoots and "n" key drobs a bomb.
you must fly through fuel baloons to replentish fuel.
released in 2006.
Click HERE to download!

Bitie Snake
File size: 888kb
Rating: 1/5
This is one of the first games i ever made. It's a very hard version of snake.
Press "s" to start, arrow keys to move.
It was released in 2005.
Click HERE to download!

File size: 13.4mb
Rating: 1/5
In this somewhat psychedelic game you move with the keys "j""i""l""k"
but you can only move if you hold down "a".
If "a" is depressed then you shoot a beam in the direction you are facing. The aim is to avoid the stars that follow the player and destroy them by overlapping the colored lines they generate.
It was released in 2006.
Click HERE to download!

The windows satan game
File size: 729kb
Rating: 1/5
This game is played with the mouse. You must defend various windows components from attack
by worms, pacman and Anton la vey.
In the original version of the game, when a component got destroyed the game would delete
components from windows itself, for example if clippit got hit the game would uninstall the
office assistant. That version was never released and only used on school computers as a prank.
The version provided here is safe to play.
It was released in 2006.
Click HERE to download!

Cosmic Poe
File size: 323kb
Rating: 1/5
Another early game of mine. You have to avoid falling out of the screen by staying on the green lines, you can shoot holes in the lines with shift.
beat hard 5 times in a row and press f2 to unlock "superior" difficulty.
It was released in 2006.
Click HERE to download!

Funky Adam
File size: 4.23mb
Rating: 1/5
Press keys on the keybored to make Funky Adam dance.
released in 2006.
Click HERE to download!

File size: 615kb
Rating: 1/5
This is a two player only game where you must "program" robotic soilders to fight each other.
player one use the arrow keys and "m" player two uses keys "1""2" and "3"
released in 2006.
Click HERE to download!

Extraterrestrial Indigestion
File size: 1.44mb
Rating: 1/5
Use the arrow keys and spacebar to fight extraterrestrial um.. fruit.
It was designed as an experiment into generating random music.
The game is simple and was quickly tact onto the music generator.
released in 2008.
Click HERE to download!

File size: 5.11mb
Rating: 1/5
The WTF series contains all my early and unfinished games that you can play through one at a time. Many levels have different controls and some have unspecified goals that have to be beaten to progress to the next level.
released in 2006.
Click HERE to download!

File size: 5.13mb
Rating: 1/5
More early games. In The tank levels at the start of this game you must reach the pipe at the other side of the screen. Shooting the lever reverses the flow of the lava.
released in 2006.
Click HERE to download!

File size: 5.58mb
Rating: 1/5
Even More early games.
released in 2006.
Click HERE to download!

File size: 10.9mb
Rating: 1/5
The last of the Wtf games. double click the mouse to throw a grenade on the solider level.
click the soldiers to select them.
released in 2006.
Click HERE to download!

Space station hippy
File size: 24kb
Rating: 3/5
This is a commodore 64 game made with seuck. you will need an emulator to play it, I recommend using vice. In the game you must defend your space station from various aliens.
Thanks to Richard Bayliss for adding some game enhancements. released in 2008.
Click HERE to download!

Ape quest
File size: 24kb
Rating: 3/5
Another commodore 64 game. This is a kindof adult game. You will need an emulator to play it, I recommend using vice.
Thanks again to Richard Bayliss for adding game enhancements. released in 2008.
Click HERE to download!
© 2007-2016. Bizarre wound productions. All rights reserved